Prayer Request

Prayer request!
Our beloved brother, Ravi Zacharias, is returning home from the Medical Center after being told that there is no medical option left:
”His oncologist informed us that this cancer is very rare in its aggression and that no options for further treatment remain. Medically speaking, they have done all they are able.”
”We know that God has purposed and numbered each of our days, and only He knows how many more Ravi will experience on this earth. One day, likely sooner than later, we will be serving without our beloved founder, though I know his love and legacy will convict and inspire us to service of his Lord even greater than we have seen before. While we are full of so many emotions, we are also at peace, resting in the truth that God knows all and sees all and is sovereign and good. I think of the great joy my dad will have and I am comforted.
Thank you for taking this journey with us, and as always, for your faithful prayers.”
I have listened to many excellent servants of God, including many of the most famous apologists. Ravi Zacharias has made a great impression when I see his willingness to present the Gospel and when I feel his passion, not to win debates or discussions, but to win people for Christ.
I remember one of his Q&As in Uppsala, Sweden, when he was arguing with a young man and suddenly understood that the problems were not intellectual or philosophical, but that the young student needed an encounter with Jesus Christ. Ravi had been answering his questions and went on to the next questions, but suddenly changed his mind, wrote his private cellphone number on a piece of paper and sai: ”I never do this, please don’t give it to anyone else, but I think we need to talk.”

The apologist became the evangelist. Once again.

I pray that the Lord would bless and keep Ravi Zacharias, and – the Lord willing – would let him ”remain in the flesh…” on our account (Phil 1:23-24).
May God bless and keep Ravi and his family – his extended family included – and be with him all the days.


Författare: Henrik Perret

Teolog, prost, bibellärare. Gift med Anki, far till fyra söner, 10+1 barnbarn. The Lord bless them and keep them!